Starbound how to install mods upbeat giraffe
Starbound how to install mods upbeat giraffe

Bug where warping to magma/volcano biomes caused crashing was fixed.New (actually sounds good!) microphone instrument with sounds provided by Smooth McGroove!.

starbound how to install mods upbeat giraffe

A bunch of new items and smaller pieces of content.Dogs can now be captured (lots more pets coming soon).Engine feature, all objects are now scriptable and interactive.Server stability fixes for servers with many players.Keybinding reconfiguration, minus the UI (you can reconfigure keys through a config file).Engine feature, tech can now be granted by armors.Valentine’s Day items including swords, costumes, decorations, bow, etc.Worry not however, we plan to keep adding new content for at least a year after release, perhaps a lot longer. By the time stage 3 is complete Starbound should be ready to launch as a finished game. Stage 3 is largely about prepping for v1.0, this means finishing up the main quest line and implementing the post beta content. Much of the focus in this stage will be on bug fixing, optimization and balance. All sectors of the galaxy will be available including sector X (End game content). The main quest line won’t be in yet but the sandbox experience will be near complete. You’ll still find the odd bug but they’re unlikely to be game breaking and the chance of you losing your character or save is minimal. Stage 2 will be largely feature complete. You'll get to see a bunch of ‘behind the scenes’ content at this stage and provide feedback during this crucial period. The engine won’t optimized during this stage of the beta so performance could be poor on some low end machines. You should expect the game to be broken at points as we make sweeping changes but you'll get to enjoy exciting new content added constantly. If you choose to take part during stage 1 you should expect bugs, lots of balance changes, you shouldn't get too attached to your character or universe as we may make changes that require you to start from scratch. Updates will come thick and fast, sometimes as often as multiple updates a day. A bunch of unfinished features will be disabled whilst we finish them up. This will be the buggiest and busiest stage of the beta. Stage 1 will be move at a breakneck speed. The beta of starbound will come in three different stages.

Starbound how to install mods upbeat giraffe